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This website and all materials on the website, including, but not limited to texts, articles, photographs, videos, and sound documents are the property of IRCAM or a third party from whom the copyright has been obtained. You may not use these elements in any way without the prior written permission of IRCAM. 

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In accordance with the French law n°78-17 dated 6/1/78 relative to data processing, files and individual liberties amended by law on 6/8/04, and the law dated 21/6/04 for confidence in the digital economy, you have the right to consult, rectify and delete information concerning you. You may exercise you rights vis-à-vis IRCAM by sending an email to manifeste@ircam/fr


Visual for the ManiFeste-2016 poster
MANZONI, Achrome, 1959 © Adagp, Paris, 2016

Frontend design and development
Philippe Barbosa [web site]

Backend design and development
Guillaume Pellerin

Mary Delacour

Déborah Lopatin